Carols Under the Stars Organising

This year’s Carols is planned for 19 December 2021, COVID requirements allowing.

To register your interest in being involved, please add your details to the shared document available here. The major roles are listed below. There are also opportunities to be involved on the day setting up, staffing stalls, and pulling down at the end of the night.

Carols in the Park 2021 Roles

This year we have formalised roles that need filling for Carols in the Park. This is for a couple of reasons, the first of which is it will mean everyone knows who is doing what, to prevent confusion on the night or unnecessary duplication of some roles while others are unfilled. It is also a transparent opportunity for you to express your interest in being involved, even if you haven’t done so before or think someone else will already have a particular role covered.

Don’t feel threatened by the formal nature of this process, think of it as a community carols-specific Time and Talent form.

Musical Director

The musical director is responsible for putting together the band and singers, selecting and arranging the songs, and coordinating rehearsals. They will be responsible for ensuring all band members and singers have the appropriate sheet music, and will work with the sound person to ensure all the right gear is set up for the night (foldback, mics, etc.)

This is a major role with significant creative input and needs to be filled by someone with a strong understanding of music and good organizational skills.

Deputy Stage Manager

The deputy stage manager will work with the stage manager to ensure that everybody has details of the program, including times, ahead of the event. On the night the deputy stage manager and stage manager will ensure everyone knows the schedule and are ready back stage ahead of their performances. They will work with the stage manager to oversee the backstage area on the night, and troubleshoot any issues which arise in the staging.

They will also work with the event coordinator to finalize the schedule ahead of time, with consideration to the logistics of staging.

This role is an excellent opportunity to learn stage management and get practical experience.

Video Director*

The video director will work with the event coordinator to develop a plan for filming the event, and will assemble an AV team including camera operators, a vision mixer, and an editor. They will lead this team in filming the event, with decisions such as live streaming to be made depending on suitability. After the event the video director will oversee the editing of a copyright-safe video for upload to the church’s Youtube channel.

This is a major role with significant creative input and needs to be filled by someone who has a good practical understanding of the church’s livestreaming technologies, and good time-keeping skills.

*This section will only go ahead if there is sufficient interest from suitably qualified people.

Marketing Coordinator

The marketing coordinator will be responsible for overseeing the marketing of the event, with a heavy emphasis on social media. This person should be familiar with social media tools and have the availability and willingness to monitor social media and answer questions about the event from members of the public. They will also assist with marketing in other media and mail drops if required.

Covid Officer

The covid officer will work with the event coordinator and other section leaders in he planning of the event to ensure everything can be managed in a covid safe manner. On the night this person will be available to assist in ensuring everything runs in a covid safe manner.

This role requires someone with complete knowledge of the health regulations regarding public events, serving of food, and other covid restrictions.

First Aid Officer

The first aid officer will need to have first aid training, and be available at all times during the event. They will be responsible for ensuring first aid is available on the night, and administering or assisting with first aid to anyone who requires it.

Master of Ceremonies

We need one or two people who are energetic and charismatic performers to MC the event on stage. This person (or people) will be responsible for communicating to the public during the event, introducing segments, and providing entertaining banter between segments.

To be suitable for this role you will need to be a confident public speaker. This role would be ideal for someone who is also singing on the night.

Tea and Coffee Stall Coordinator

This person is responsible for ensuring there is adequate tea, coffee and additives on the night; liaising with the electrician and covid-safe officer, and running the stall on the night.

In addition to the coordinator role, we also need volunteers to run the stall on the night.

Barbecue Coordinator

This person is responsible for ensuring there is adequate food and drinks for sale on the night (as well as ice and gas); liaising with the electrician and covid-safe officer, and running the stall on the night. The barbecue coordinator will also work with the event coordinator in determining what food offerings will be available on the night.

In addition to the coordinator role, we also need volunteers to run the stall on the night.

Money Stall Coordinator

This year all payments will be made at the single location, rather than paying at each stall individually. Once payment has been made, the customer will receive a written ticket detailing what has been paid for, and this ticket is presented at the appropriate stall (eg the barbecue). This is so we can make use of a single eftpos reader, and eliminate cash handling at multiple locations for security and health reasons.

The money stall coordinator is responsible for ensuring there is adequate float and tickets on the night, and that the card reader is working. They will oversee the running of the money stall.

In addition to the coordinator role, we also need volunteers to run the stall on the night. Volunteers should have a good brain for simple maths, and legible handwriting.

Face Painting Coordinator

The face painting coordinator will oversee the face painting stall, and ensure there is adequate supplies. A key part of running this stall will be ensuring it can happen in a covid safe manner.

In addition to the coordinator role, we also need volunteers to run the stall on the night. Everyone working on the stall should be able to work well with children and have enough artistic ability not to ruin someone’s face.

Light Stall Coordinator

The light stall will sell lights, including candles and glowsticks, on the night. The coordinator will ensure there are adequate supplies and run the stall on the night.

In addition to the coordinator role, we also need volunteers to run the stall on the night.