We need to purchase a new new data projector as the one we have been using for a number of years above your heads has passed its time with us! The laptop used in the projection of words and images has also had to be replaced.
CLT are reviewing options concerning the projector. The costs associated with these purchases are not budgeted yet we all know that they are essential technology items critical to our ongoing life together! Anticipated costs for both is between $5,000 and $5,500 and could be a little higher depending on software!
Can you help defray these unbudgeted costs? Have you the capacity and desire? Any amount will be a blessing! Thank you in anticipation of your generosity!
Envelopes with cash or cheque can be left in the offerings box, or given to a member of the Church Leadership Team or the Resources for Ministry team. Please mark the envelop as “projector.” Online donations can be made directly into the church’s bank account:
CBA: BSB: 064 011 Acct: 10032190
Please identify the transaction as “projector.”