Followup consultation workshops – Sunday 16th February in both Morning and Evening services. Rob Duncan will lead us through the next instalment of examining our life together as church. Please come along and participate in these important workshops.
Sunday 18 August 2019
Sunday 20 October 2019
At the beginning of 2019 the CLT began exploring the future direction of the Church at Oxley.
We would like to invite everyone in the congregation to participate in this work. Two workshops will be held to facilitatethis.
The first on Sunday 18 August 2019 will explore our values as a church. This will happen following a 30-minute 9.00am worship service and after the 6.00pm cafe church service. The combined workshop and service will take 2 – 3 hours. Please come along on that Sunday ready to contribute to the review of Oxley’s values as we move toward 2020.
The second workshop will be on Sunday 20 October 2019 where we will build on our values statement with what we hope to achieve as a church. Again the workshops will occur as part of both worship services.
The workshops will be led by Robert Duncan, an experienced church consultant and member of the Oxley evening service. Childcare will be provided during the morning worship service/ workshops.
Please continue to pray for the church as we discern the future to which that God calls us. Please talk to Rev Andrew or Rob Duncan if you have any questions.
Update 10 November 2009
Following the workshops with Rob Duncan, and after much prayer and discernment, the CLT has developed updated Core Values to be adopted within our church. A copy of those values are attached below for your information and consideration.
Oxley UC Core Values
Love of God
Love God. Walk in God’s ways. Serve God with all your heart (Joshua 22:5)
We are committed to the praise and worship of God in every area of our lives.
One in the Spirit
We are one body united in the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:1-6, Rom 15:5-7)
We are committed to accepting all people as Jesus did through expressions of grace towards one another.
Love one another as Christ loves us (John13:34,35)
We are committed to forming Christ like relationships will all people.
We are called to lead people to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18-20)
We are committed to sharing the Good News, and life transformation through prayer, worship and studying the scriptures.
God empowers us to use our different gifts to serve one body (1 Cor 12:4-6)
We are committed to ensuring that people use their God given gifts to serve others.
Version 2.1
Update 27 October 2019
Thank you to everyone who attended our workshops on Sunday the 18th August and 20th October. We had a great response, and a lot of people invested their time in discerning together the Core Values that will help focus the direction at Oxley into the future.
The CLT will continue to craft all your work into some updated values that will be distributed for comment in the coming weeks.
A big thanks to Rob Duncan who led us on that journey. Rob has also produced a bible reflection series that we can do as individuals or in groups called Forty days with Jesus on Mission. Please pick up your copy in the foyer. Please contact Rev. Andrew for any more information.
Update 8 September 2019
Thank you to everyone who attended our first workshop on Sunday the 18th August. We had a great response, and a lot of people invested their time in discerning together the Core Values that will help focus the direction at Oxley into the future.
The CLT has begun to craft all your work into some updated values that will be distributed for comment in the coming weeks.
A reminder that our second workshop on Sunday 20 October 2019 will build on those values and explore what we as a church hope to see as the fruit of God’s working in this place.
A big thanks to Rob Duncan who led us on Sunday, and will continue that journey with us as we move forward. Rob has produced a bible reflection series that we can do as individuals or in groups called Forty days with Jesus on Mission. This will be available from Sunday the 1st September. Please pick up your copy in the foyer.
Please contact Rev Andrew for any more information.