6 July 2021

The Church Leadership Team tonight agreed that in line with the Government’s suggestion about non-essential contact, that corporate worship would again be cancelled on 11 July 2021. The situation will continue to be monitored, and provided there are no further warnings from health authorities, we hope that services will recommence from 18 July 2021, although we expect there will be some restrictions on numbers. The morning service, as usual, will be streamed live and the video available for watching when convenient. Please click the YouTube logo on the Video Messages and Prayers page.

1 July 2021

This Sunday (4 July) there will be no in-person services (morning or evening) due to the uncertain nature of the current COVID outbreak and lockdown in South East Queensland.  The morning service with be live streamed with only the essential people will be at church to enable this process. The morning service will be streamed on our YouTube channel as normal. Hopefully normal services will be able to be resumed shortly.

10 January 2021

Due to the Brisbane lockdown, there will be no corporate worship this week. We are working to have an online service published on our YouTube channel by Sunday morning.

6 September 2020

The CLT Executive has decided to delay our return to worship until next Sunday 13th September at 10am. This is because of the on-going COVID19 situation that has occurred in and around our local community and to ensure the safety of our church members. This service will also be live-streamed. We still have some hurdles to overcome including the fact that we can only have 74 people in the church building and the cleaning requirements mean that we will only have one service, so no evening service at this time. We will be asking people to register their interest to attend the service, and are requesting people to remain home if they are ill, have cold-like symptoms, have compromised health conditions or other vulnerabilities. Members who come to the services from then on will need to sign in to ensure that we are remaining compliant with Government restrictions. We will be continuing to livestream our services and provide them on DVD for those who wish to continue worship from home. Please watch out for further updates during the coming week. Please wear a mask if you feel the need to.

June 7, 2020

You may have heard that the Qld government is allowing up 20 people to begin physically worshipping again. There are many restrictions still in place around cleaning, workplace health and safety, and vulnerable persons. The Oxley CLT has agreed not to recommence face-to-face worship until we have clear guidelines from the Queensland Synod.

29 March 2020

Given the increased importance of communication and keeping in touch at this time, we have returned to posting the notice sheet on the website communications page. These will be archived here for around a month to allow you to catch up.

If you would like to set up a direct debit to assist in continuing your offering to the church, please see here for details.

21 March 2020

Read the pastoral letter from Rev Andrew.

18 March 2020

On Wednesday 18 March 2020 the Uniting Church Queensland Synod announced that all church gatherings should be placed on hold immediately due to the ongoing need for physical isolation.  This means that all worship services, as well as the church’s social groups, will cease until the end of April, when the situation will be reviewed.

  1. No Gathered Worship Services on Sundays until further notice starting from and including Sunday 22nd March 2020
  2. No week day activities including, Monday Social and Craft, MMM, Wednesday Prayer, Crossroads, Garden Club, Friday Craft, Friday Night Youth, Sunday Connect.
  3. Cancellation of Church Camp in April 2020
  4. Postponement of the church’s AGM scheduled for Sunday the 22nd March 2020
  5. The church building should not be used at this time for any purpose except with permission from David Greer, or Rev. Andrew.
  6. All rosters will be suspended until further notice with the exception of the mowing roster and cleaning roster as needed.

More information is available on the Synod’s COVID-19 website.

The church has not made this decision lightly and realises that there will be significant impacts on the life of the church at this time. The Moderator Rev David Baker has shared a pastoral letter that can be accessed online.

Rev Andrew is planning to produce a short video message each week that will be accessible from this website. More details will be posted by the weekend.

In this very uncertain time please be assured of the constant present of our God who walks with us through this troubled time as psalm 121 says “I lift up my eyes to the hills from where will my help come?  My help comes from the LORD who made heaven and earth.”  
May we all raise our eyes to the Lord who watches over us day and night who keeps us in his constant care and may we know the love of our Lord Jesus Christ as he continues his way to the cross of calvary.

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