Purpose: To highlight the value of Christian unity as a witness that challenges a culture of disharmony and conflict. If you want to travel inconspicuously throughout life, please don’t follow…

Time to Party

25 May 2014
Purpose: To encounter the joy of celebration in the Palm Sunday story and to link with liturgical feast days as a foundation for a renewed spirit of celebration in the…

Believe It or Not!

18 May 2014
Purpose: To explore the nature of belief so that those present can claim an identity in the community of Christ which orients them to the work of Christ. Apparently the…

Not at all Sheepish

11 May 2014
Purpose: To portray the abundant life as a confident and courageous life, rising beyond the challenges of the present moment and shaped within eternity. The lectionary readings for today are…
Purpose: To explain the concept of “reverent fear” in the light of a gospel of love and freedom. “Live in reverent fear!” The words literally leaped o the page at…

Ripple on Resurrection

20 April 2014
Purpose: To portray the resurrection of Jesus as an event of cosmic significance with a ripple effect that passes throughout human history. Although its main shock actually happened at 5:36…